Faction perks: Ships of certain factions will enable certain blue options that globally change how the ship plays (e.g.
Lore perks: Ships can be customized to fulfill certain roles become a trader, bounty hunter, miner, medic, or dozens of other possible play-styles. Engineering options depend on your ship type and what other gear you have equipped. Extended Ship Customization: Engineer equipment at empty beacons to customize your ship for a certain role. Player surrender: Offer surrender to non-Rebel enemies to stop fighting make good or bad surrender offers, with a large range of possible outcomes depending on your offer and the enemy's faction.
Long-Range Jumps: Travelling to a new sector requires more fuel, but also gives you a chance to outrun the Rebels if your engines are good enough. You might even get access to unique quests this way. Crew Interactions: Socialize with your crew to learn more about their background and the game world. Empty beacons now give various options from socializing with your crew, to producing items on-board, and many other options, making them a useful resource. They have unique abilities, as well as their own ships and sector. A new playable crew faction, the AI Avatars, roams the galaxy.
Many new blue options most of CE's custom gear also gets their own blue options. Hundreds of new events, including distress events, scripted combat encounters, quests, and cut vanilla events. Because of this, the Hard difficulty setting is not recommended. Large parts of Captain's Edition were created before Advanced Edition came out. This is not a wiki for Vanilla FTL, please refer to the main FTL wiki for that type of information. MODDING FTL MOD
Welcome! This wikia is dedicated to the FTL: Faster Than Light mod known as Captain's Edition, created by Sleeper Service and dozens of contributors.Ĭaptain's Edition can be found on the FTL forums.